The Kids Are Tops Mission
Our mission and commitment to our youth is focused upon learning to develop happy, healthy and reasonable children – teaching them how to learn and accept challenges. We teach our athletes to understand and value others' differences, while becoming friends and mentors to all those who pass through our doors. In doing so, we strive to instill self-confidence and a sense of pride in working to achieve their goals – all by teaching them to master and refine their skills in a safe environment.
Our Unifying Principles
Unifying principles identify the values of an organization and
provide a framework for employee action.
Maintain unconditional respect to our clients and coworkers.
Share a strong foundation of trust by starting with our own trustworthiness.
Working together to achieve a common goal.
Communicating positively, openly and freely.
Promoting personal and professional growth through lifelong learning.
As our clients and employees depend upon the Company for their growth, recreation and livelihood, employees must always respect, defend and protect the Company's principles, profits, image and security. |
Our Teaching Principles
- Keep The Kids Safe:This is done through vigilance, awareness and safe training methods.
- Unconditional Respect:We offer and insist upon unconditional respect between teacher and student. Humiliating, embarrassing, demeaning or hurtful behavior is not acceptable and will not be tolerated.
- Be Enthusiastic:It shows you care and inspires others to care.
- Clearly Communicate Expectations: Tell the kids what you expect of them.
- Catch The Kids Doing Things Right:Focus on things gone right rather than things gone wrong.
- Offer Daily Challenges:Going past perceived limitations is the only way to stretch and grow.
- Offer Daily Successes: "Sense of accomplishment" is one of the most powerful motivators to "try again when the going gets tough."
- Perpetual Motion:Kids learn by doing, not by sitting or standing in line.
- Discipline With Natural Consequences: The natural (and unpleasant) consequences of a poor decision should form the basis of our discipline, not "punishment."
- Creativity, Variety, Fun:Kids (and adults too, for that matter) learn best when there is an element of fun built into the training environment.